Magnification, Lighting, and Glare Control

One of the keys to increasing your independence and self-sufficiency when living with a visual impairment is to learn how to maximize your remaining vision.

Magnification devices, good task lighting, and strategies for diminishing glare are three great tools for doing that.


Making things bigger is one way to compensate for losing some visual field. Magnification tools include devices like hand, stand, and video magnifiers.

When combined with good lighting, these devices can help with reading, identifying items, assisting with personal care needs, and more.

While many stores and pharmacies sell magnifiers, these over-the-counter items generally provide minimal magnification. Most people with a visual impairment need a stronger, better quality device with a built-in light to achieve their goals.

As part of an evaluation with one of our low vision specialists, we can help you determine your ideal magnification level, the best devices to achieve your goals, and the proper method for using these devices.

Glare Control

Glare generally results from too much light entering an eye and obstructing your vision by reducing contrast. As we age, it may take longer for our eyes to adjust to changes in light. In addition, having cataracts, which fog the eye’s lens, or retinal diseases, such as macular degeneration, can worsen the effects of glare.

Wearing tinted glasses indoors and good quality sun shields outdoors can filter out some of this light, helping you to achieve crisper and clearer vision.

There is a rainbow of different colored tints in various strengths, including gray, plum, orange, yellow, and brown. Like evaluating proper magnification devices, meeting with a low vision specialist is the best way to assess the most helpful color(s) and tint strength(s).


For most people with a visual impairment, the light that streams through a window or comes from ceiling, floor, and table lamps is not particularly helpful for seeing things because they are designed to light a large area and create ambiance. Unfortunately, they also can create unhelpful glare.

Devices that allow you to focus a light beam directly on what you are trying to see – with the device placed on the side of your better eye – can help you maximize your remaining vision.

We recommend adjustable gooseneck lamps for home use, both tabletop and floor models.

When you are on the go, a small flashlight you can easily carry – or use the one built into your smartphone – will also be helpful in restaurants and other dimly lit spaces.

Battery-operated LED lights that can be easily installed in stairways, closets, and under kitchen cabinets also help increase safety by lighting typically dim spaces.

Low Vision Evaluations

Our staff can provide you with a complete evaluation of potential magnification, glare control, and lighting devices as a part of a low vision exam.

Call us at (401) 941-3322 to discuss whether an evaluation would help you reach your independent living goals, or fill out the contact form below.

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